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The First Day of Christmas

On the first day of December we thought we would share a little woodland poem with you!  We are also offering free delivery for all of your Christmas orders from our website.


The wren is in the nesting box

The owl is in her tree

The rabbit is in his library reading poetry.


The moon is slowly rising

The cold is taking hold

The rabbit drinks a cup of tea

Poured from a pot of gold.


The fox creeps through the undergrowth

Thinking of his dinner

The rabbit is eating biscuits as poor old fox grows thinner!


The owl glides from her branch on wings as soft as shrouds

The diamonds on her feathers

Reflecting in the clouds.


The wren lays wrapped in wrennish dreams

Whatever they might be

of Christmas time

of  little owls

of being 5 foot 3!


By Small



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